Doctor appointments app development for clinics.

Video consultations let you diagnose safely and reach more patients. They can book online appointments, searching for doctors by speciality. Our doctor appointments app development  for clinics can be customized and includes the following features:

1. Ease of booking or appointment -same Time Zone or if required various time zones{ for US doctors} a must for appointment app development

2. Simple registration and profile creation

3. In-app video calling option a must for a telemedicine app

4. Live video calls -using Twilio in the cloud

5. Various payment options – Razorpay or Paypal or Stripe

6. Feedback, reviews for increased patient satisfaction

7 . Search options and filters to find a particular gynecologist. Family Practice physician, pediatrician, gynecologist, dentist, cardiologist, and critical care medicine, specialists. To be updated with full search

HIPAA Compliance of mobile doctor appointment booking app and web panel

Access controlled by oauth or Okta or SAML

SSL transport, cert. pinned

Secure storage -in Android and iOS

Login using JWT tokens

Security audit after complete testing

Encryption and minimal access to patient records

Business associate agreement with Twilio/ Alternate

Regular audit of complete work flow, if required by third party.

App flow Telemedicine Doctor Appointment app

Now let us go into the functioning of an online video consultation app for clinics and doctors:

1. The apps will be available in the Google play store or Apple app store. Once a user downloads and installs the doctor video consultation app on their mobile phone , one needs to sign up or register.

2. After the registration , the user can tap or click the search icon and mention the type of speciality.

3. The search result will display relevant results. Soon to be updated with filters list by applying date, time, language, consultation fees, and work experience filters.

4. Once the user chooses a particular doctor and clicks the ‘Book consultation’ button option to proceed, they are requested to choose the appointment date and time desired which are available for the chosen doctor.

5. They then need to pay for the video consultation and call through a debit/credit card, Visa or Master card, or any other mode of payment available.Increase revenue with offers

6. After making the payment, the user can make a video call at the hosen appointment team

7. After the video session is over, both the user and doctor will get the option to submit feedback and rate the consultation.

If you want to video consult a doctor for some health problem, download a good doctor appointment app today. If you own a clinic and want to see your patients virtually through an online video consultant app, then contact us to get a customized app developed for you.

Must-Have Features for Custom Doctor Appointment App

  1. Admin web panel
  2. Clinic webpanel
  3. Doctor we panel
  4. Patient mobile app, Android and iOS

On the web feature listing of Admin Panel

This will be the HIPAA compliant password protected web based admin panel where admin can access following:

  1. Admin can manage doctors/consultants and patients
  2. Admin can add/edit delete the doctors/consultants.
  3. Can check the Sales Report.
  4. Can check the total appointments (Completed, Upcoming and Canceled).

Other features of doctor’s appointment app and also the various web panels

Register/Social Media Sharing
Appointment Approval / Rejection
Real-time Treatment Requests
Set Availability
Payment Options
Ratings & Reviews
Treatment History
Push Notifications

Telemedicine Databases – Postgres SQL or Mysql

Sample db scheme

Schema of Doctor appointment app
Doctor appointment app
Doctor appointments scheduling app

Contact us now for customization in doctor appointments app development for your clinic today

Call us at +1 479 777 5982 0r +91 9600190586 or email for the appointment scheduling app for doctors with video chat


With bachelor's and masters in engineering and technology I try my best to be ahead in engineering the mobile ecosystem!

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